Gypsy boobs

The story of Pedro teh Gypsy proceeds as he gets new customers for his one of a kind services. Today he has new client - girl. Tina has problems with her beau lately - he is ready to dump her because he thinks that her boosb aren't large enough! Is there a way to help her in this situation? Well, let's ask Pedro... Everything that you will need to do today is to choose an appropiate size and Pedro will make some of their magic tricks. But even however you can choose from four different options it is very clear that the right choice is one - to make Tina's bumpers as big as only possible! And after the"choice" was created Tina gets exactly what she wanted... well, more or less. Tina can now attempt to comeback her beau but will she need his little prick now when she has gigantic globes? Watch yourself in this brief but hilarious story about big tits, puny penises and magic! Play now »

Heart Breaker

The major character of this game consider himself as a real heartbraker and asserts that he can entice and fuck each and every girl he'll fulfill while walking down the street. In fact, this will turn into the most important gameplay battle for you too. The first thing you should notice would be to keep tabs on most of the items and items which might be helpfull in chicks picking process. After you will satisfy a specific girl also listen on her character to comprehend what she enjoys and also thru that try to get the quickest way to seduce her. And even if you will wind up successfull do not forget that this is one fairly long road and that there will be more hot chicks in your way who are awaiting the attention... even if they don't understand that yet! Play now »